Kid Proofing Your Technology

January 15, 2016
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Kid Proofing your Technology


Any caregiver knows that keeping kids’ hands off places they don’t belong is a full time job. We’ve compiled a few great techniques to keep your electronics safe from a kid-hack to protect everyone’s safety and privacy.

  • Use passwords to log in to your phone and computer. The extra 2 seconds it’ll take you to log in every time is inevitably less stressful than apologizing about that gibberish text you sent to your accountant.
  • If your child is old enough to copy your 4 digit phone login password, change your settings to a longer password or use a thumb print scan login instead.
  • Create a kids account on your computer that doesn’t require a password and has access to limited applications and documents.
  • Take the time to review your computer’s standard parental controls. Most systems will let you customize these yourself.
  • When you’re not using your desktop, put the keyboard away to prevent little fists from slamming down the keys and destroying the hardware.
  • If kids are going to be playing with you tablet or phone, invest in a good, sturdy (maybe even waterproof) case so you don’t have to worry about your gadgets being dropped.
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